Windhoek Councillor, Dr. Ottilie Saarty Uukule, is a dynamic individual hailing from Okalongo in Omusati Region. Her interests in reading, netball, and athletics fuel her passion for political analysis and critical thinking. Endowed with leadership skills and unwavering determination, she attributes her success to her parents, who are her foremost supporters. Her academic journey culminated in a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), equipping her with analytical, logical, reasoning, and emotional intelligence skills. As the Chief Archivist at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform (Deeds Office), she aspires to develop her career in forward-thinking. Her vision for Windhoek is to rebuild trust through fair and effective policies that cater to the residents’ needs, despite challenges like rapid population growth, political in-fighting among councillors, and limited funds. “Addressing these issues will require a collective, critically thought-out approach from both the city council and central government”, she said.