Why did you pay my money in the old account?
Ensure that all changes to your banking details are formally communicated to us with a signed letter that has your company’s letterhead.
Why did I not receive my payment yet although I have submitted all necessary documents?
Ensure that you have submitted a bank confirmation letter with your payment request.
What is an interim charge?
The Division works on instructions from other departments, therefore, the initial inquiry should be with the department you supplied goods or services. After confirmation with the user department, inquiry can then be done with the Cash Management Division.
When should I submit my readings?
Readings should be submitted between the 20th and the 31st of each month.
How long does it take for payments made via EFT to reflect?
• EFT Payments take up to 48 hours to reflect on our accounts.
When can I expect my monthly municipal statement?
Statements are released by the 25th of each month. If you have not received your statement by the 5th of the following month please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 290 3777 or e-mail enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na
Where can I get the supplier registration form?
Have the supplier name/company details ready
• Contact the finance and administration or email the sourcing specialist
• It is also available on our website
I would like to follow up on Payments/invoices?
You should have the order number ready
• Contact the finance and administration or email the sourcing specialist
• Ensure that delivery is done at an authorized centre and that the invoice has been received by the sourcing specialist
I would like to find out if the Tender (indicate full ref: EG: NCS ONB COW 50/2017) has been awarded?
Requests should be put in writing and addressed to the Head: PMU – Kindly use the reference number at all times.
• The Public Procurement Act/City of Windhoek does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid
I would like to find out how long it will take for bidders to get an outcome?
It will depend on the validity as indicated in the bidding document.
• Awards are done within the validity period of the bid
When and where will the bid opening take place?
Bid openings are done publicly at the venue indicated in the bid document within five days of the bid closing.
An attendance register is completed and signed by the bidders present
• The entire set of bid documents shall be sealed in an envelope marked with the bid reference number and title and handed in at the time, place, and date as advertised including strict compliance with the following:
• The original bid shall be duly completed and priced in an undeletable medium with all alterations initialled next to it (erasing fluid is prohibited).
• Each page inclusive of all attachments and tender drawings shall be initialed
• Bids not completed in all respects may lead to disqualification at the sole discretion of the Public Procurement Act. Bidders’ attention is drawn in particular to the detailed completion of the Bidding Data Sheet BDS as part of this bid submission.
•Telegraphic and facsimile bids may not be accepted and will be disqualified if the BDS does not require so.
Where do I submit my bid proposal?
Bids must be deposited in the marked “Bid Box” located in the Customer Care Centre at City of Windhoek Head Office, 80 Independence Avenue.
When is the bid closing date and time?
Bid closing times are clearly indicated on the bid invitation and bid documents.
Is there any site inspection or briefing requirements and is it compulsory?
Inspection and briefing are always indicated in the bidding invitation if it’s applicable for that specific bid.
•Not all bids have that requirement, however in the event when this is required, the location address, date, and time will be indicated in the bidding invitation.
•The responsible person conducting such a meeting will be the facilitator of the site inspection/ briefing (technical inquiry in the bid invitation/bid documents).
Where can I buy bidding/tender documents?
You can buy them at the City of Windhoek – Head Office, No. 80 Independence Avenue, Customer Care Centre.
Do you have any bids/tender out?
Our bid Invitations are uploaded on our website – under “Procurement then Unit Documents” and on our social media pages as well as in local newspapers.
• Online subscribers receive the adverts via email
When can I expect my water and electricity services to be reconnected after payment has been made?
It will take a maximum of 48 hours or less to reconnect your services.
Who is allowed to make a payment arrangement on their municipal accounts?
Any residential customer with a municipal account.
•A payment arrangement can only be made by the owner of the account. No third parties may act on behalf of the owner.
•No payment arrangements are allowed for business accounts.
What are the terms of the City of Windhoek loan for the installation of a prepaid water meter?
Installation loan is worked in the tariff, and option is included on the application form the prepaid meter.
What is the prepaid water meter installation cost?
The prepaid water meter installation cost is N$4293.45, excl. VAT, payable by the customer. Customers, who choose to do so, can apply for a loan from the City of Windhoek to pay for the prepaid water meter installation connection fee.
Where can I get more information about the City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out campaign?
Visit our website at www.windhoekcc.org.na, and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 061 – 290 3777 for any further information. You can also email us at enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na.
What happens if my meter is stolen?
City of Windhoek has a City Police department and therefore will investigate the matter. A meter will be replaced and the culprits, when found, will be charged accordingly.
What happens when the meter pipe breaks on the City of Windhoek’s side of the prepaid water meter?
The City will pay for the repair costs. However, if the meter pipe breaks on the customer’s side, the customer will be responsible to engage his/her own plumber for repairs at own cost.
What if my prepaid water meter breaks?
The City of Windhoek will repair or replace broken/faulty meters. However, customers will be charged if vandalism is detected.
Where can I get more information about the City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out campaign?
Visit our website at www.windhoekcc.org.na, and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 061 – 290 3777 for any further information. You can also email us at enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na.
Can I upgrade my prepaid water meter?
Yes. It will be possible at a future stage for the City of Windhoek to upgrade your prepaid water meter through Sigfox, and the internet of things.
Will my prepaid water meter work in the event of a power failure, or when I run out of electricity?
Yes. The meter runs on batteries with the lifespan 10 years, and a warranty of one year, and therefore is not affected by power
What are the benefits of prepaid water meters to pensioners?
You take full control of your water consumption. It prevents overspend. The meter will alert possible leakages. It enables you to manage your cash flow and budget properly.
What if I have poor mobility, or struggle to walk? How will I recharge my prepaid water meter?
You can recharge your prepaid water meter in the comfort of your home, through your cellphone, or internet banking. The system allows for virtual charging.
Can I monitor my water meter and consumption remotely when not at home?
You can only monitor your water meter and consumption within a 150m radius of your water meter.
Can I disable/close my prepaid water meter when I am on holiday?
Can I set my own water usage and limit controls?
No. However, a so-called “User Totalizer” is available if you want to measure how much water you are using for a specific event. For example, you can measure how much water you use while watering your garden, or how much your washing machine is using per wash. This will allow you to implement the necessary savings.
Can I extract full water consumption reports from my prepaid water meter?
The prepaid water meter can show your usage per day, per month, and per three months. Hourly rates (within three months) will still be available on request from the City of Windhoek.
Will the prepaid water meter automatically shut off the water supply if a leak is detected?
No, but it will alert you. You have an option to shut water supply yourself using your remote control (Customer Interface Unit – CIU).
Will I be notified should I have a leak while not at home?
There will be a specific warning icon showing on your refreshable remote control (Customer Interface Unit – CIU) when the CIU is within a 150m radius of your home.
What will I benefit from installing a prepaid water meter?
You take full control of your water consumption (you will be able to view your daily consumption and remaining water balance). It prevents overspend. The meter will alert possible leakages. It enables you to manage your cash flow and budget properly.
Where can I get more information about the City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out campaign?
Visit our website at www.windhoekcc.org.na, and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 061 – 290 3777 for any further information. You can also email us at enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na.
Can I switch back from a prepaid to a conventional water meter?
Yes, only if you, as the customer, is debt free with the City of Windhoek. The applicant will be liable to pay for all costs, including connection fees, associated with the switch back to a conventional water meter.
Can I switch over from a conventional to a prepaid water meter?
Yes. The applicant can either pay in advance for the connection fee of the prepaid water meter or apply for a loan from the City of Windhoek to cover the connection fee (please see “Costs and pricing FAQs for more details).
Will the meter be installed inside or outside of my yard?
Either way depending on the circumstances of the erf.
Can I apply for more than one prepaid water meter installation?
For the initial phase of the roll-out campaign, customers will be limited to two prepaid water meters each.
Can I apply for a prepaid water meter for my business?
Not at this moment. The exercise primarily targets the residential ervens. Business and commercial clients will be informed soon when to start applying.
Can I apply for a prepaid water meter for my backyard flat?
Yes, subject to Building Control Approval Plans as a flat.
Who will install my prepaid water meter?
The City of Windhoek trained and upskilled employees who will install the prepaid water meters.
Am I responsible for the prepaid water meter installation cost?
Yes. The applicant can either pay in advance for the once-off connection fee of the prepaid water meter or apply for a loan from the City of Windhoek to cover the once-off connection fee.
How do I apply for a new prepaid water meter?
1. Application should be done by owner of the account
2. Certified copy of the identify documents of registered/property owner
3. Municipal bill(s) must be up to date
4. Payment of approval installation cost
Where can I apply for a prepaid water meter?
Applications must be completed, signed, and stored for record-keeping purposes, therefore clients are urged to come to Town House the City of Windhoek head office in Independence Avenue – to fill out an application form. Applications to be done at all cash halls of the municipality.
List of Steps:
1. Complete application at City of Windhoek cash hall (Enquiry agents) by the client
2. A credit check will be done at enquiries
3. Create sundry invoice for payment at enquiry agents
4. Forward application and receipt to Bulk water for installation and filing thereof
Is this prepaid water meter system integrated in the current City of Windhoek water meter, or will a new meter be installed?
A new prepaid water meter will be installed.
Where can I get more information about the City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out campaign?
Visit our website at www.windhoekcc.org.na, and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 061 – 290 3777 for any further information. You can also email us at enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na.
As a means to encourage residents to save water, the City of Windhoek does not charge more than the NamWater tariff for the first six kilolitres of water supplied through conventional water meters. Will this also apply to prepaid water meters?
If I am a pensioner – will I get discount on prepaid water?
Not at this moment.
Where can I buy prepaid water?
Prepaid water tokens can be bought from selected vendors identified by the City of Windhoek (banks and other grocery outlets (depends on the super vendors) -same as for pre-paid electricity). To buy a prepaid water token you will need your 11-digit prepaid water meter number. This number can be obtained by pressing #0# on your meter’s remote control (Customer Interface Unit – CIU).
Prepaid water tokens come in the form of a 20-digit number printed on your receipt. Load the token by entering the 20-digit number on your CIU. The CIU automatically sends the token to the meter. The CIU will respond with a message if the token was accepted, or not. Please note that your CIU has to be within a radius of 150m from your water meter to send the token to your prepaid water meter.
What is an infrastructure charge?
The infrastructure charge is a fee paid to the prepaid system infrastructure provider. As part of the system, vendors will sell prepaid water at convenient locations, for example service stations, over the internet, or via cellphone banking. The vendors collect revenue on behalf of the City of Windhoek and is paid a percentage-based commission as per the Procurement Act agreement.
What charges will the City of Windhoek add to the cost of prepaid water?
The prepaid water charge includes the water basic charge, your water consumption charge, and an infrastructure charge of four percent per unit (or per cubic metre). If you chose to install your prepaid water meter through the City of Windhoek loan/credit option, we also include your repayable installment.
How much will the prepaid water unit cost be? Will tariff blocks (step tariffs) apply?
The government-gazetted prepaid water unit costs are available in our tariff booklet on the City of Windhoek website at www.windhoekcc.org.na – Media & Events – Tariffs. The prepaid water unit cost is subjected to tariff blocks (step tariffs) – the same as with the postpaid water unit cost.(For more information on the City of Windhoek water supply situation indicator categories, please see our water management plan on the City of Windhoek website at www.windhoekcc.org.na – Media & Events – Downloads – search for Water Management Plan).
If I do not buy water for a particular month, do I still pay my loan repayment installment that month (if I installed my meter with the credit/loan option)?
No, the loan repayment will be linked to the water purchase.
If I do not buy water for a particular month, do I still pay the water basic charge that month?
No. If you do not buy water for a month, you do not pay the water basic charge.
Will I, as a prepaid customer, pay more per unit of water compared to postpaid customers?
Yes, a 4% is payable an infrastructure charge. However, the rest of the fee in the prepaid water unit cost is the same as for postpaid customers. Please note that the prepaid water charge includes your consumption as well as the water “basic” charge.
The water basic charge is thus incorporated in the prepaid water charge. The water basic charge is also payable by postpaid customers. Furthermore, prepaid water meter customers who chose the prepaid water meter connection repayment/credit option, will pay an additional,
monthly, installment.
How and where can I apply for the City of Windhoek loan for the installation of a prepaid water meter?
Applications to be done at all cash halls of the municipality.
Who can apply for the installation of a prepaid water meter?
Prepaid meters are for all interested City of Windhoek customers and is not limited to a specific group of customers.
Where can I get more information about the City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out campaign?
Visit our website at www.windhoekcc.org.na, and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 061 – 290 3777 for any further information. You can also email us at enquiry@windhoekcc.org.na.
Will City of Windhoek councillors and employees install prepaid meters in their own homes?
The prepaid water meter roll-out campaign is supported by all councillors and employees. Councillors and employees are voluntarily participating in the roll-out of the first pre-paid water meters, also to be ambassadors for the project.
Do I have a choice between a prepaid water meter, and a conventional water meter?
Yes. The installation of pre-paid water meters is voluntary, except for designated groups as communicated during the Windhoek Municipal Council meeting of 14 April 2021 (see details here: About us – Council – Council agendas – April
When will the prepaid water meter roll-out begin?
The City of Windhoek prepaid water meter roll-out officially kicked off in September 2021.
Who is managing the current prepaid meter roll-out in Windhoek?
The roll-out campaign is spearheaded by the City of Windhoek Infrastructure, Water, and Technical Services department. The City of Windhoek will install the prepaid water meters.
How do these meters differ from communal prepaid water meters in Windhoek’s informal settlements?
The residential prepaid water meters are individualized (straight connection to the house) for residential erven, while the communal prepaid meters are shared by surrounding group members who collects from a shared stand.
Is this the first time that the City of Windhoek is rolling out prepaid water meters?
Yes, for individual, residential customers. However, the City has been operating prepaid communal water meters in informal settlements for over a decade. Given Namibia, and specifically Windhoek’s unique water supply situation, water is a scarce resource, which requires extraordinary conservation and administration. Over the years, the City of Windhoek installed more than 1000 standpipes, or communal water taps, in informal settlements. The City believes that prepaid water meters will benefit customers, as they will be in a better position to manage their own water consumption and subsequently their budgets. It also benefits the City as upfront payment is received for water usage, which enables the City to maintain the water infrastructure.
What is a prepaid water meter?
A prepaid water meter is an intelligent water meter with both mechanical and electronic readings. It can control user overspend by prepaying for water needed. It is suited to the metering and billing of urban residential water use. Furthermore, it allows a consumer to pay for water before consumption and it stops dispensing water when credit loaded is depleted.
What is an interim charge?
An interim is an estimation of your water/electricity consumption. Estimations are charged on accounts when we have not been able to capture your readings and calculate your actual consumption.
Should interim charges (estimations) appear for two consecutive months on your account, please contact our contact centre on 0612903777.
When should I submit my meter readings?
Readings should be submitted between the 20th and the 31st of each month.
When are municipal statements released?
Municipal service statements are mailed around the 25th day of each month. If you have not received your statement by the 5th day of the following month, please contact our contact centre immediately (Telephone No. 0612903777).
Your account must be paid not later than the 15th (residential accounts) day of the month following the month in which the account was rendered. If the 15th day is not a working day, the next working day will be the last day for payment. Please pay your account as early es possible to avoid the long queues at the month end and the last day for payment.
How do I create a municipal business account?
1. Valid Founding Statement or CC Documents
2. Nominee’s ID to accompany Proxy or Curator’s Letter
3. Proxy Letter
4. Curator’s Appointment Letter (in the case of the Administration of Insolvency)
How do I create a municipal individual account?
1. Valid Legal Identification Document (i.e. ID and Passport).
2. Marital Certificate (where applicable)
3. Permission / Consent Letter (please include a Certified Copy of the Owner’s Id)
4. Executor’s Appointment Letter (in the case of the Administration of Estates)
5. Curator’s Appointment Letter (in the case of the Administration of Insolvency)
6. Power of Attorney (in the case of Real Estate Agents)
Does the Debt Management Division offer after hours services reconnection?
•Yes, reconnections are done till 20h00 weekdays and from 08:00 to 13h00 on Saturdays. No physical reconnection services available on Sundays.
When will water and electricity services be reconnected after a payment has been made?
The City of Windhoek will need up to 48 hours to re-open your services.
How much do I pay if my water or electricity is disconnected?
•For your services to be reconnected, a minimum of one third (33.33%) of your account must be paid if your services are disconnected for the first time.
•If services are disconnected for a second time, 50% of the account is due before reconnection will be made, and;
•If you had an arrangement and it was not honoured, a minimum of 50% of your account must be paid.
When will my water or electricity be disconnected?
•For residential accounts, your services will be disconnected if your account is in arrears for 30 days or more.
•Businesses accounts are not allowed to be in arrears.
When do you visit the Debt Management Division?
•When your account is in arrears and you would like to make arrangements for payment.
•When your water or electricity is disconnected and you would like to be reconnected.
•To have your credit check done when applying for connection of services.