The Mayor is at the centre of the system of governance. The Mayor does not make decisions in a vacuum. Instead, he or she takes collective decision in consultation with Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer, departmental heads, citizens, staff, and other stakeholders in the government and businesses sectors in order to receive input about changes in the operational environment of the City or potential changes to legislation. In addition, the Mayor should spread goodwill and attend public appearance events for business openings, school functions, speeches, community functions. The Mayor remains the first citizen and represents the City at ceremonial functions.
The powers and functions of the Mayors are prescribed in the Local Authorities Act (Act 23, 1992). In terms of the statutory functions of the Mayor of a Municipal Council, the Mayor is responsible for, amongst others to be the principal head and, in consultation with the municipal council to:
• Initiate and formulate planning and development policies
• Initiate and promote the creation of employment
• Closely monitor the implementation of the policies
• Be accountable to the inhabitants of the local authority
• In consultation with the municipal council, investigate and endeavour to solve any issue pertaining to the local authority
• Be responsible for the promotion and creation of the social well-being of the inhabitants of the local authority